Wednesday, 20 December 2017

¡Felices fiestas!

(Las migas de pan vuelven el 3 de enero)



  2. Felices fiestas a tí también, maja. Feliz Navidad y prospero año nuevo.

  3. "One year later" but I have to say that (once more) I really like this laziest-illustration-ever :-) I think one has to be really an artist to realize that sometimes less is more. In this case, just one tiny white spot in a dark background in the right context is enough to trasmit the idea of inminent arrival of winter and the melancholy of the season (the loneliness of that tiny unique snow flake). There is no need anymore of complex illustrations to show that the technique is mastered. You have reached the point in which you are free to transmit your ideas in the most suitable way and sometimes this is done in the simplest way. Congratulations!

    And to start the year with a smile, here you have a funny video of a beat-poem called "Storm" of a great humorist called Tim Minchin. And I think that his speech when reciving the great humorist called Tim Minchin of his honorary doctorate by The University of Western Australia is also worth to be listened.

    Thanks, enjoy and, of course, I wish you all the best in this new year.

    ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! :-)
