Wednesday, 6 December 2017

-Lo siento, no quería nada. Solo estaba 
saludando a los coches.


  1. :D I'd like to see the face of the taxi driver :D ... in any case, "to greet" is an art... you go to the countryside and everybody greet each other, you go to the city and nobody greets... in some places you greet with "hello" and in other places with "bye"... but I don't know why I care so much if I'm a bird :D

    And this brings to my mind, of course, Beatles' "Hello, Goodbye" (although watching the video, they could have saved the supposed to be "Hawaiian dancers" :D )

    Thanks and enjoy!

  2. Yep, that's true, to greet is an art! ^_^
    Thanks to you!
