Wednesday, 3 January 2018

-Cuando crezca seré como tú.


  1. will you bring the light to the dark? will you show the way to those that are lost? :-) This goes far beyond of a New Year's resolution ;D .... but, like always, this illustration brings me nice thoughts which is a wonderful way to start a new year :-)

    So this time I bring which I consider one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written:Romanza of the Concertino for guitar and orchestra by Salvador Bacarisse and played by Narciso Yepes with his unique ten string guitar.

    Thanks for continuing bringing bread crumbs (and light!) in this new year :-)

    I wish all your life's resolutions become true as well as a beautiful 2018.

    1. Thanks to you ^_^ May your resolutions also come true and may you have a joyous New Year
