Saturday, 24 February 2018

Hay cosas con las que tenemos que aprender a vivir.
Una de ellas, y quizá la peor, sea nosotros mismos.

No hay muchos consejos que pueda dar, y ninguno de ellos que yo misma siga.
Pero en fin: trataros bien.
Os vais a necesitar.


  1. Dear Laura, even a sparrow can see that these judgements of yourself are completely wrong ;-) I think that the problem could be that you put yourself under too high standards, which in principle is good as long as this doesn't lead you to underrate your performance or your skills.

    Let me say it plainly: You are damn good!! (just trust birds that like bread ;-) )

    I also fully agree with your advice. Maybe I would add this one: Treat yourself at least as good as you treat the rest of the people. I can hardly believe that you would say such things to other person.

    And to sweeten a bit this comment, here you have an optimistic song called "The world is mine" by Hooverphonics ;-)

    Enjoy and, like a wise person said once, "trátate bien que te vas a necesitar" ;-)

  2. Son consejos muy buenos, a ver si puedes seguirlos tú también. ¡Un abrazo!
